
2018 Léonard de Vinci Milan

The Museum of Sciences in Milan wished to hand over to Alphabeth Agency the complete redesigning of the galleries dedicated to Leonard de Vinci. It has many 3D models inspired by the ingenious drawings developed by the Master throughout the 15th and 16th century. The fundamental idea has been to bring life to all these extraordinary drawings using large scales cinematographic projections. The path begins by a medieval city set up, very colourful in which are inserted objects, films and documents and ends with a previously unseen 360° projection of the drawings and sketches in which the Master endeavoured to translate abstract notions such as wind, rain, earthquakes…. but he also shows close ups of creased cloths, landscapes, hair, plants giving the impression of abstraction! Inauguration: November 2019-06-25
Maître d'ouvrage
Museum of Science « Leonardo da Vinci
Maîtrise d'œuvre
Alphabeth Agency and LLTT Agency
1500 m²
2,2 millions Euros